Monday, March 22, 2021

Cancel Culture and Vaccines

 Yeah, 2 big subjects this week. But 2 important subjects.

Cancel Culture. Just saw a really good panel on it. Everyone of us has said or posted something we really shouldn’t have. We’ve taken pictures with things we maybe shouldn’t have. As we gain wisdom which comes from age and experience we cringe. The worst thing about Cancel Culture - there is no room for apologies and discussion of why it was wrong in the first place. Very few enjoy upsetting other people. Oh when we are younger their is this feeling that we are exerting our independence from our parents. I grew up with a mother who was racist and anti LGBTQ. I was blessed with a father who taught me people were people and there was absolutely nothing wrong with a person of a different race or in the LBGTQ community. But I still did and said things as a teenager that embarrass me and I have worked hard to purge myself of. Thank Heavens there was no Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc when I was that age. I’m 58 and still put both feet in my mouth sometimes. It’s okay to say that someone is wrong but explain in a non-confrontational way. Give them a chance to grow.

Vaccines. I got my first Coronavirus vaccine yesterday. Phizer if you’re curious. Not that I have enough exposure to worry about. It is the right thing to do! I got it not for me, though not having my lungs fill with fluid isn’t a bad reason, I got it for people like my Dad that was on anti rejection drugs for a heart transplant. People like my husband that had scars on his lungs from severe flu complications. I got it to reach 75% herd immunity. Yes my arm is sore and I got like 12 hours of sleep but even if the 2nd shot makes me run a fever? Big deal! I’ll take ibuprofen and get through it. I don’t like wearing a mask - claustrophobia and can’t stand things covering my nose and mouth but I wear the thing when I need to. Since hubby died I’ve developed a I don’t care if I die but I’m not going looking for death. When he comes knocking it will be okay.

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