Monday, March 15, 2021

A weekend away.

 I took this past weekend off from Social Media. Oh I checked it to keep up with friends and news but no commenting and no posting. It gave me time. I also realized somethings.

1. Americans are used to thinking that the USA is invincible. I think the Coronavirus Pandemic has proved that was a load. 1/6 proved it. The invincibility that is assumed is just a thin veneer and when that is broken there are some who fall into a fear response. 

2. Back when the virus first hurt the USA I predicted 18 months to get it under control. It was announced last week that every adult over 18 would be eligible for a vaccine. That’s exactly 18 months. We now have vaccines and treatments that if given soon enough prevent hospitalization and all the vaccines have a good chance of keeping folks out.

3. No matter how much we hope Coronavirus will go away it won’t. Because it’s a virus. It has the ability to mutate and to hibernate- it’s a characteristic of all viruses. So it’s not going away any more than influenza is gone - we just know how to manage it now in most cases it’s an inconvenience instead of fatal.

4. People are too entrenched in a political party. Will I automatically vote for the Democrat in 2024? No it depends on the candidates. In 2016 I was really underwhelmed by both candidates and frankly I voted for the one I could live with.

5. People use their religion to justify anything. But that isn’t anything new - The Spanish Inquisition anyone? Religion is to bring you peace not to beat others over the head with. Even the Bible says to go to your closet to pray otherwise you are an ass in the eyes of the Lord.  All religions have been corrupted by those in power.

6. The United States of America will not stand forever if we, it’s citizens, don’t remember and cherish that this country is a melting pot of cultures, religions, and races. We need to realize that the Constitution clearly says in order to form a more perfect union. The founding fathers knew it wasn’t perfect and would never be perfect. They realized we should always strive for better. To always go forward, be more inclusive and not ever go backwards.

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